Friday, March 26, 2010

One Fire Movement Presents The Bio Series : Heros (Dr. Samantha Nutt)

One Fire Movement is proud to present the next feature in our Bio Series : Heros with Dr. Samantha Nutt Founder and Executive Director of War Child Canada.

One Fire Movement would like to also congratulate Dr. Samantha Nutt who was been named to the Order of Ontario, the highest official honour in the province of Ontario. Samantha was honoured for her lifelong dedication to providing direct humanitarian support and long term programming to war-affected children and their families, as well as for her commitment to peace, human rights and social justice. She has gained international recognition as a leader in humanitarian assistance to vulnerable populations in conflict zones.


Dr. Samantha Nutt (Sam) is a medical doctor with more than thirteen years of experience working in war zones. Committed to peace, human rights and social justice, her ambition has always been to help war-affected women and children. She has worked in some of the world's most violent flashpoints with War Child Canada, the United Nations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Iraq, Afghanistan, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Burundi, northern Uganda, Ethiopia and the Thai-Burmese border.

Over the course of her professional career and as the Founder and Executive Director of War Child Canada, Nutt has spearheaded efforts to provide direct humanitarian support and long term programming to war-affected children and their families, and to promote greater awareness in Canada concerning the rights of children everywhere.

Nutt’s work on behalf of war-affected communities around the world has been widely recognized. Among other honours, Nutt is a recipient of Canada’s Top 40 under 40 Award (Globe and Mail). She was designated by Time Magazine as one of “Canada’s Five Leading Activists.” CBC News has profiled her as a “Canadian leader.” CTV National News has declared her a “Canadian Success Story” and Maclean’s Magazine featured her in their annual Honour Roll as one of “Twelve Canadians Making a Difference.” Global TV has declared her a “National Trailblazer.” Chatelaine Magazine has named her one of “Twelve Canadian Women Who Should Run for Politics,” as well as awarding her the title of “Ms. Chatelaine.” Flare Magazine has profiled her as one of “Thirty Great Canadian Women.” She has been described by Hello Magazine as one of “Canada’s Top Ten Outstanding Women,” by Homemakers Magazine as one of “Ten Great Canadian Women to Know,”

Nutt has written for Maclean’s Magazine covering war-related issues, is a published author and frequently appears on Canadian television and radio as an expert commentator on war and human rights issues. She is also a highly sought after keynote speaker on the impact of war, human rights, social justice and on public engagement in global issues, inspiring others to make a difference.

She graduated Summa Cum Laude from McMaster University, earned an MSc with distinction from London University, and holds a Fellowship in Community Medicine (FRCPC) from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. She is further certified by the College of Family Practice (CCFP) and completed a sub specialization in women’s health through the University of Toronto as a Women’s Health Scholar. Dr. Nutt has received honorary doctorates from Niagara University and Brock University (Doctor of Humane Letters) and McMaster University (Doctor of Laws). In 2009, she will be awarded an honourary doctorate from the University of Lethbridge.

Dr. Samantha Nutt is bilingual, and is also on staff at Women's College Hospital in Toronto and is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto in the Department of Family and Community Medicine.

For more info on Dr Samantha Nutt and War Child :

Monday, March 1, 2010

One Fire Movement Presents : The Bio Series- Hero's #2 Rex Weyler

One Fire Movement is proud to present the next feature in our Bio Series : Heros with Rex Weyler. Rex is the co-founder of GreenPeace International as well as being a journalist, writer, and ecologist.

We are very pleased to present a brief Bio on a true hero for the environment !


Rex Weyler is a journalist, writer, and ecologist. He was born in Denver, Colorado in 1947, went to high school in Midland, Texas, and later studied physics, mathematics, and history at Occidental College in Los Angeles. He worked as an apprentice engineer for Lockheed in 1967, but left engineering for a career in journalism. In 1969, he published his first book with photographer David Totheroh, a pacifist discourse with photographs from a winter in California’s Yosemite Valley.

Weyler married Glenn Jonathans in Nijmegen, Netherlands in 1971 and immigrated to Canada in 1972. He worked at the North Shore News in North Vancouver and with Greenpeace. Between 1974 and 1982, he served as a director of Greenpeace, editor of the Greenpeace Chronicles magazine, and was a co-founder of Greenpeace International. He sailed on the first Greenpeace whale campaign, and his photographs and news accounts of Greenpeace appeared worldwide.

Cameraman Ron Precious and photographer Rex Weyler on board the James Bay, Greenpeace VII, in 1976, mid-Pacific. Photo by Matt Herron.

Weyler’s photography and essays have been published in the New York Times, Oceans, Smithsonian, Rolling Stone, New Age Journal, Conscious Choice, New Times, Shared Vision, National Geographic, and other publications. Weyler received a Pulitzer Prize nomination for his Native American history, Blood of the Land, and he co-authored the self-help classic Chop Wood, Carry Water. He co-founded Hollyhock Educational Centre on Cortes Island in British Columbia – dedicated to environmental, personal, and professional studies – and which remains Canada’s leading educational retreat centre. He co-developed the Justonic tuning software used by innovative musicians around the world and wrote The Story of Harmony about the history of musical tuning theory. His account of the first decade of Greenpeace is available in September 2004 from Raincoast Books in the Canada and Rodale Press in the US, UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

Weyler was married for the second time in 1990, to Lisa Gibbons. He remains active in environmental work. He writes for magazines and newspapers, is widely reprinted on the Internet, and appears weekly on Canada’s Omni-10 News show, The Standard. He lives in Vancouver, BC, and has three sons: Jack, Jonah, and Liam.

Weyler and his wife, Lisa Gibbons, are foster parents for displaced teens. Weyler serves on several company and non-profit boards, including Greenpeace International Marine Services. He speaks regularly to schools and public audiences.