Monday, October 12, 2009

Latest photos from the WE ARE ONE shoot !

Here are the latest shots from the WE ARE ONE shoot !
Many more to be posted soon

Powerful Plato quote : WE ARE ONE !

"This world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence,a single visible living entity containing all other living entities,which by their nature are all related"


Friday, October 2, 2009

Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday Anniversary

The One Fire Movement would like to celebrate the Birthday of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
with a Tribute post ! On this his 140th Anniversary

You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

8th September 2009

President Obama went to Wakefield High School in Arlington to give a national speech welcoming students back to school.

A student asked President Obama:

Hi. I’m Lilly. And if you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?"

President Obama replied:

Dinner with anyone dead or alive? Well, you know, dead or alive, that’s a pretty big list. (laughter) You know, I think that it might be Gandhi, who is a real hero of mine. Now, it would probably be a really small meal because — (laughter) — he didn’t eat a lot. But he’s somebody who I find a lot of inspiration in. He inspired Dr. King, so if it hadn’t been for the non-violent movement in India, you might not have seen the same non-violent movement for civil rights here in the United States. He inspired César Chávez, and what was interesting was that he ended up doing so much and changing the world just by the power of his ethics, by his ability to change how people saw each other and saw themselves — and help people who thought they had no power realize that they had power, and then help people who had a lot of power realize that if all they’re doing is oppressing people, then that’s not a really good exercise of power.

Born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi October 2, 1869
Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Died January 30, 1948
New Delhi, India

Mahatma Gandhi, was the charismatic leader who brought the cause of India's independence from British colonial rule to world attention. He powerfully demonstrated his philosophy of non-violence, for which he coined the term satyagraha, as one of the most powerful tools uniquely available to the masses for lasting peace.